Galliano Fresh Market has been blessed to serve this community for almost four decades. This family-owned supermarket truly understands the needs and values of their area, and is pleased to be of service.
Biblical principles guide our staff to provide the best service and assistance for our customers.
Sam Burregi, a veteran of the food business, began working with his brother, Joseph Burregi, in their family’s small corner grocery store that was located in front of their family home. When he was young, Joe went to work for another small grocery store in Marrero, LA called Ragusa’s.
Sam soon joined his brother at Ragusa’s as a bottle boy and worked his way up the ladder to assistant butcher. Joseph eventually bought the store and Sam became manager.
In 1976, the Winn Dixie store in Galliano, Louisiana became available. Sam and his brother bought and remodeled the store naming it Galliano IGA Foodliner. Later that year, the store burned to the ground but the Burregi family rebuilt quickly.
The Burregi Family took advantage of the vacant space on the side of the store and expanded. The store now stands at 20,000 square feet.
In 1991, we changed distributors from IGA to Associated Grocers, Inc. and changed their name to Galliano Food Store. To this day, customers still refer to our store as “The IGA.”
In August 2008, Hurricane Gustav ravaged South Louisiana and the damage from the storm closed our store for 10 months. On May 13, 2009, Galliano Food Store reopened their doors.
We attribute our success to maintaining friendly, personal relationships with our shoppers. It hasn’t always been easy, but God has blessed us through it all. To thank God for those blessings, we play Christian music continuously throughout the store.
The Galliano Fresh Market is a family affair. There are three generations of Burregi’s in the store. Dannie learned the business much the same way his father, Sam, did. He started at the age of fourteen bagging groceries, putting up stock, and talking to the customers. Today, you can find Dannie’s son, Jaedon, in the store picking up tips about the business from both father and grandfather.
Sam has been married to Noella for over fifty years, and they have four children Tammy, Dannie, Randy, and Sandy, with 8 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.